JAPAN by Japan​

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JAPAN by Japan will be renewing its official website in October 2020

We are happy to announce the renewal of our JAPAN by Japan community website in October of 2020. Geared towards the providing of various exciting campaign activities, we will through this renewal be introducing exclusively for JAPAN by Japan (JbyJ) members: a new point system, issuance of digital membership cards, newly added features for mobile-device webpages, and even more changes that will further help connect you with Japan and fall in love with her.

With this update, features, such as Attractions and Travel Tips, will be moved to https://www.japan.travel/en/sg/, where you can find in-depth Japan travel information. Whereas other features, such as Wanderlists, Liked/Shared/Saved posts, and Reviews, will be removed.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation and will continue to make efforts to make JAPAN by Japan a fun community for Japan lovers to enjoy Japan.